Dental Implants for a Natural Looking Smile

After carefully evaluating artificial tooth replacement options, many patients recognize that dental implants are the closest they can get to natural teeth. Not only are dental implants extremely similar in the look and functionality of natural teeth, they are also highly sought after with impressively high success rates. Although dentures and bridges are considered the most affordable option, clinical research has shown that if you can afford it and are in overall good health, there is no better option for replacing missing teeth than dental implants. Other tooth replacement options require far more maintenance and do not last as long. They usually need to be replaced every 8-10 years with dental implants having the potential to last a lifetime. Choosing dental implants is a process that requires several visits, considerable time, and a monetary investment. The investment is well worth it. So how do dental implants work?

The Three Parts of a Dental Implant

The implant itself is composed of three parts.

  1. Titanium Rod
    The first part of the implant is a titanium rod which is placed into the jawbone and acts as if it is the root of the tooth. Unlike other metals, titanium is considered biocompatible meaning the body will accept the titanium and will not cause infection.
  2. Abutment
    The second part of the implant is called the abutment, and this is attached to the rod to support the dental prosthesis.
  3. Dental Prosthesis
    The third part of the implant is the dental prosthesis which will be molded to fit your face and color matched to your preference. The dental prosthesis is often a customized crown and is designed to act as your natural tooth.

Planning Your Dental Implant Procedure

First, an initial consultation and thorough exam takes place to create a personalized tooth restoration plan. X-rays and an evaluation of your overall health will be part of the examination. Bone grafting may or may not be a part of the overall dental implant process, depending on the condition and density of your jaw bone. After the rods are placed into the jaw bone, temporary dental prosthetics will be placed and a 4-6-month healing window will follow as this allows osseointegration to occur. OSSEOINTEGRATION IS THE PROCESS OF THE ROD ADHERING TO THE JAW BONE THROUGH THE BONE MOLECULES ATTACHING THEMSELVES TO THE TITANIUM. Due to the invasiveness of this procedure, choosing a qualified and competent professional is of the utmost importance. Dental implants are like any other medical procedure and corners should not be cut to save money.

Dental Implant Surgery at North Tabor Dental

North Tabor Dental is committed to making patients feel comfortable, welcome, and at ease. Going to the dentist is not fun for everyone, especially for an invasive procedure that can seem daunting and cause anxiety. When you choose North Tabor Dental, you will get a caring practitioner that has years of experience soothing patients while giving them the best dental therapy in the Portland, OR area. Call now for more information on how dental implants work or to schedule your free consultation. Dental implant information from an experienced professional is available now.

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