The Unforgettable Journey

Families juggle an endless list of activities and commitments, and the pace isn’t likely to slow as the years go. Keeping the dental health, growth, and development of kids on track takes an ongoing commitment for busy parents. When it comes to straightening teeth, knowing the right time for treatment can be trickier than it seems. Learn more about the simple key to helping kids grow into a perfect...

Whitening: 5 Things to Know Before Getting a Brighter Smile

One of the first things that people notice about you is your smile. In today’s youth-obsessed culture, a twenty-something with dingy teeth can appear older than a forty-something with a bright, white, sparkling smile. Here are five things to keep in mind as you embark on your tooth whitening journey to the gleaming smile you’ve always dreamed of. One of the first things that people notice abou...

Why do Some Dental Cleanings Cost More?

Not all dental cleanings are created equal. Find out why some hygiene appointments cost more than others and learn how you can save time and money in the dental chair. A “regular” cleaning is clinically called prophylaxis or a prophy cleaning and is a preventative measure to prevent periodontal disease. It includes removing plaque and tartar from tooth surfaces and just below the gum line. ...

Not Just Pulp Fiction: The Truth About Dental Abscesses

What Is An Abscess? An abscess is an infection. There are two types of dental abscesses. A periapical abscess, which happens at the root of a tooth and a periodontal abscess which happens in the gum. A periapical abscess can occur when decay gets into the nerve chamber, killing the nerve and pulp tissue. Sometimes a traumatic injury or crack in a tooth can damage the delicate nerve inside, resulting in the...

Keep Your Smile Boo-tiful This Halloween.

Here are some tips and tricks to make this year’s Halloween a treat for your teeth! With Halloween quickly approaching, the stores are already full of costumes and candy. If you have braces, Halloween can be like looking in the window of a haunted house – you want to go in, but you know you shouldn’t. Popped brackets, broken wires, and the risk of cavities sound like a horror movie in itself. ...

A Caregiver’s Guide to Keeping Your Loved One’s Mouth Healthy

There comes a time when the tides change, and we become a caregiver to those that raised us, drove us to soccer practice, dance recitals, and music lessons. They helped us brush our hair and taught us to brush our teeth. Now we are the ones helping with shopping, shuttling loved ones to doctor’s appointments, assisting with errands, and balancing checkbooks. One often overlooked (but just as important) task is...

Resolve to Make Your Oral Health a Priority in the New Year!

The holiday season is over, and everything is slowly returning to normal. Now is a great time to focus on your New Year’s resolutions. Instead of making general resolutions like wanting to lose weight or saying you want to be healthier, why not get specific and resolve to support your oral health by brushing at least twice a day, flossing at least once a day, and eating foods that are healthy for your teeth, ...

Why Healthy Teeth Are So Important

After you eat, sugar bugs go crazy over the sugar on your teeth, like ants at a picnic. The sugar bugs turn the sugar into acids that eat away tooth enamel, causing holes called cavities. The sugar bugs also cause gingivitis, which is gum disease that can make your gums red, swollen, and sore. Your gums are the soft pink tissue in your mouth that hold your teeth in place. If you don’t take care of your ...

Tooth Sensitivity Can Be a Real Pain

Do cold foods make your teeth feel like a hot mess? Do hot foods give your teeth the chills? You’re not alone. Read on for some tips to keep your mouth (and you) happy. Tooth sensitivity is a common problem, but you don’t have to suffer in silence. There are many treatments available that can have you enjoying your favorite foods again in no time. ...

When Milk Doesn’t Do a Body Good: Calcium-Rich Alternatives for Strong Teeth and Bones

Calcium is an important mineral essential for the development and maintenance of strong teeth and bones. The FDA recommends getting between 1,000-1,200 mg of calcium every day depending on your age and activity level. In the past, cow’s milk was touted as the be-all and end-all way to get the calcium your body needed. But what do those with lactose intolerance, vegans, and people watching their weight do wh...

Extractions Don't Have to be a Pain

Extractions are necessary for many reasons. By following some simple tips, you can avoid many post-op complications and lessen your healing time to get back to normal as quickly as possible. If a tooth is cracked below the gum, has a root fracture, or is periodontally involved and can't be saved, an extraction might be recommended to preserve nearby teeth or to prep the area for an implant or dentur...

What Is Scaling and Root Planing?

If you haven’t been to the dentist in a while or if you have difficulty sticking to a regular brushing and flossing routine, your hygienist or dentist might recommend root planing and scaling. While it might sound scary, scaling and root planing is simply a deep cleaning below the gum line to help treat gum disease. ...

Why Should I Get Dentures?

If you’ve lost some or all your natural teeth, your dentist will recommend dentures so you can speak and chew properly and keep your bite correctly aligned. Dentures can be removable or fixed appliances that replace missing teeth and keep your smile looking healthy. They can rest on your gums or on implants to keep them in place. Technology has advanced a lot in dentistry in the last 20 years, a...

What Causes Bad Breath?

Bad breath isn’t fun for anyone. Here are a few causes and some ideas to keep your breath fresh. Sometimes bad breath is the result of a garlicky dinner or morning coffee but sometimes it’s caused by a chronic condition called halitosis. If you have persistent bad breath that doesn’t go away even after brushing and rinsing with mouthwash or if bad breath returns even when you avoid food...

What Exactly Is a Root Canal?

Root canals might get a bad rap, but they are one of many options to save your natural teeth. Thanks to advances in technology, they are more comfortable and successful than ever. Years ago, the mere thought of a root canal would cause people more pain than an actual toothache. But now, advances in digital imaging, materials, and techniques make the procedure almost as quick and safe as a filling....

A Clean Mouth Might Save Your Life

Professional dental exams and a regular homecare routine do more than keep your mouth clean – they might just save your life! Taking care of your mouth, teeth, and gums are important to your overall health and can prevent cavities, periodontal disease and infections while lowering your risk of heart attack and stroke. As an added bonus, you get to keep your natural teeth as you age! ...

Beat the End of Year Rush and Don’t Let Your Benefits Go to Waste

Get in early! Schedule your appointments now before the schedule fills up! Each year, millions of dollars are wasted by not maxing out your dental benefits or using up the money set aside in your FSA. Most dental insurance companies reset their “benefit year” starting on January 1st. This means you have until the end of December to get in any last-minute dental work. The National Assoc...

Getting Through Cold and Flu Season is Nothing to Sneeze At

It’s tempting to give up basic hygiene when you’re feeling under the weather but these tips for caring for your mouth can help you feel better sooner. Everyone knows that one of the best ways to prevent getting a cold is by washing your hands. But what if despite your best efforts, you find yourself sniffling and sneezing your way into the winter season? You may be tempted to skip brushing your...

Show Your Teeth Some Love and Try A Whitening Option That Works for You!

This Valentine’s Day, forget the candy hearts and roses and give yourself the gift of a brighter, whiter smile. As children, our teeth are naturally bright and white. But as we age, our smiles can get dingy and stained. There are many reasons, including tooth trauma, food and drink choices, tobacco use, childhood illnesses, and even chemotherapy. Stained teeth can make a person look aged be...

Raise Your Dental IQ: 10 Tidbits About Your Teeth

Here are 10 cool dental facts to help you wow your friends and family! You use your teeth to bite, chew, and maybe even engage in some ill-advised package opening. (Tsk, tsk.) Unless a tooth is bothering you, you probably don't give them a second thought. But there is so much more to your chompers. Here are some fun facts to amaze your friends at your next get together!...

Staying On Top Of Oral Health During COVID-19

Let’s face it. None of us planned for 2020 to go quite this way. COVID-19 disruptions are reverberating across the globe on every level. From stock markets to our favorite Thai restaurant, life’s different for now. Many elective dental and medical procedures are on hold as the healthcare system scrambles to keep up. In most places, regular dental cleanings and cavity repairs have to wai...

When Is A Cleaning More Than A Cleaning?

If you've missed a few professional cleanings or haven’t been brushing at home, you may need more than a “regular cleaning,” costing you more time and money. Did you know a routine cleaning is clinically called a prophylaxis, or prophy cleaning? This is because it's a preventative measure to reduce your risk of developing periodontal disease. It includes removing plaque and tartar from tooth surface...

Keep Cool and Get Relief from Tooth Sensitivity

Cold foods can make your sensitive teeth feel like a hot mess. Here are some tips to keep your mouth happy this summer. Whether it’s a tall glass of iced tea or your favorite ice cream cone, everyone has their go-to summer treat to help them cool down. When tooth sensitivity gets in the way of enjoying your favorite summertime snack, it can be a real pain. When the protective e...

Dental Abscesses Don't Have to Be A Pain

Dental abscesses may sound scary, but they are quickly treated and even preventable! The word abscess can conjure the old-fashioned image of someone with a towel tied around their head with a painful grimace on their face. Thankfully, those days are gone, and with the help of modern technology, they can be quickly and painlessly treated. Abscess is a fancy word for an infection. In dentist...